
Prestressing equipment PAULOur story started in 1976, when Henri Rémy creates the company RPP (Rémy Paul Précontrainte) to become the official agent for France of the German company PAUL MASCHINENFABRIK GMBH, the world leader of prestressing equipment. The small trade company will quickly develop, and succeed in imposing PAUL machines in the totality of the French prestressing factories, as well as selling post-tensioning pumps, jacks and anchors on numerous construction sites.

11 years later, in 1987, Henri and Jean Baptiste Rémy will found the company 3R (Research and Realizations Rémy), with the objective of manufacturing a machine intended for the unwinding of prestressing strands, targeted both for precasting factories and job site application. RPP counts then 4 persons, and 3R only 2.

3R machinesAs from the beginning of its activity, 3R is pushed by its customers to develop a flexural testing machine for concrete flooring blocks. This machine, later on produced in several tens of copies, will be the first one of a very long range of laboratory testing machines, from the tiny 8 kN flexural machine for 4x4x16 cement prisms, to the gigantic 5000 kN compression machine.

In 1991, the 2 companies are moving in north industrial park of Montauban, in premises of 2000 m2. 3R account then 11 co-workers, and the activity of the company articulates around 2 sometimes complementary poles: the prestressing equipment (automatic pushers, post-tensioning pushers, declamping and washing machines for anchors and so on) and laboratory equipments (compression, tensile and flexural testing machines, control power-packs etc.).

Rebar machines SCHNELL1994 is the year when 3R becomes the official agent for France of the company SCHNELL, one of the world’s leader of rebar equipment, specialized in the production of electromechanic machines driven by servo-motors. SCHNELL is then a precursor in the use of servo-motors. Today, this ultra successful and "clean" technology, is approved by a large majority machines manufacturers, proving the innovative vision of SCHNELL!

In 2001, premises get bigger with the construction of 500 m2 of the offices and a production hall of 1400 m2, equipped with 2 overhead cranes of 12 tons each and a state of the art painting cabin.

2003 is also the year when 3R starts producing grinding (polishing) machines for concrete cubes and cylinders and will patent a very innovative double side grinding machine named "TWINMATIC". To date, the family of grinding machines now accounts for 3 children: the little MINI-MATIC, mid-range ONE-MATIC, and its henceforth now famous TWINMATIC.

2003 is also the year when 3R starts producing grinding (polishing) machines for concrete cubes and cylinders and will patent a very innovative double side grinding machine named "TWINMATIC". To date, the family of grinding machines now accounts for 3 children: the little MINI-MATIC, mid-range ONE-MATIC, and its henceforth now famous TWINMATIC.

magnets systems RATECIn 2009, 3R will diversify its activity by becoming representative for France of the German company RATEC, inventor of the magnets systems used in the precast industry.

JIGGELOYear 2010 will see the realization of the efforts of 3R in the development of her range of UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINES. Indeed, 3R will present its new range RIGIDRIVE, the model Syntech of which being the flagship.

In parallel, 3R will become the agent for France of the Dutch company SKEW, the inventor of the brilliant assembly jig for reinforcement cages and mats called JIGGELO, the various models of which make the happiness of the innovative rebar-shops.

Year 2011 will be for 3R the opportunity to put one foot in the field of the Education and of the educational material, by proposing 2 very innovative equipments : a bench test for Strength of Materia ls determination as well as an earthquake simulator.

 straightening machines FRESNEFinally, 2011 will see the resumption by 3R of the famous straightening machines manufacturer FRESNE, established in Montreuil in Paris region. Transferred in the premises of Montauban, 3R resumes the production of these machines, and proposes a modernization kit for the existing machines, while taking in charge the AFTER-SALES SERVICE and the supply of spare parts.